What can you do with your SEVEN CARD?
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the online registration work?
To download the SEVEN CARD Registration Instructions, please click here.
How to report your departure from the country, unusual transactions, errors in cash withdrawals and POS declinations?
Before leaving the country we recommend you to report your departure to our WhatsApp +(502) 3993-7373 or to the e-mail
servicioalcliente@sevencard.com, you can also make any inquiry related to your transactions, inconveniences and declinations.
How can I apply for my SEVEN CARD?
You can access our product by calling +(502) 2424-9378 or sending an email to admin@sevencard.com and one of our representatives will contact you immediately.
What is the scope of the SEVEN CARD?
SEVEN CARD gives you access to millions of merchants worldwide guaranteeing a secure payment method, and access to thousands of ATMs located around the world.